Balancing Both Worlds

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 Madhav Setia’s Journey of Academics and Modelling


Madhav Setia, a student at the prestigious London School of Economics, sets a classic example of balancing academia and modeling. Despite an unexpected start in the fashion world and receiving numerous modeling offers, he remains focused on his studies, choosing not to pursue any of these opportunities at the moment. With his family’s unwavering support and his natural talent for time management, Madhav proves that success is possible even when juggling diverse passions. His journey exemplifies resilience, discipline, and the art of seizing opportunities while staying true to one’s priorities.

What led you to start modelling while studying at the London School of Economics? Was it planned or unexpected?

It was completely unexpected! I was studying day and night because a Master’s can be an intellectually stimulating yet challenging degree. Therefore, I was taken aback when one day a friend told me that she had given my name for a fashion show of a leading fashion designer who she was interning under at the time.

What challenges did you face when you first got into modelling, and how did you manage them with your studies?

It was a new world to venture into. I come from a family of academics, and, as an academic myself, this was an alien territory at first. But I stayed open and receptive throughout and was able to fit it perfectly!  

How did your family respond to your choice of modelling and how did you stay motivated when things were tough at the beginning of your modelling career?

I have always been pushed to try out new things. My family was extremely supportive and wanted me to delve into this field because you should never lose out on a unique opportunity no matter how much it challenges you. Challenges are good. And this is the thought I’ve been brought up with.

What is your advice on balancing work and hobbies?

I have always been a major proponent of good time management. I understand this comes from the Virgo within me but I believe good organisational skills are required to balance two careers at once. And in my case – many more than two!

What advice would you give to others thinking of starting a modelling career while still studying?

Definitely have patience since this is a challenging industry and one that is especially hard to manage if one is studying. Apart from that, do everything you can to channel that inner confidence because not only is it going to help you in the balancing act but is also such a vital prerequisite when you enter the modelling industry.

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