Change Your Destiny With Switch Words

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Switch words are powerful, simple words or phrases that can help you transform your mindset and attract positive changes into your life. By repeating these words with intention, you can shift your energy, overcome challenges, and manifest your desires. Here are some popular switch words and how they can help you change your destiny:

Creating The Aura of Alphabets

It is said that ‘The Pen is mightier than Swords’. But only a few people have experienced the power of words and what if I tell you that with the help of switch words, you can actually experience the superpower of ‘words’ which help you in manifestation and healing?

What are Switch Words?

Switch words are words that can quickly switch your energy from one dimension to the other dimension. All words can become switched words. Switch words are truly magic words that vibrate to human truth and to our own intuitive knowing. They are one doorway to the kingdom within. Freud seems to have first noticed that there are specific words that trigger responses from the unconscious. James Manam came up with the concept of positive triggers in the nineteen fifties and spread it in the sixties in the book, ‘The Secret to Perfect Living.

Who introduced Switch words?

Switchwords were first identified by the famous and renowned founder of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. He suggested that certain words have the power to reach into, and alter, our subconscious. This idea was seized upon by an author, James T. Mangan, who wrote his book, “ The Secret of Perfect Living”. So, he is the main contributor to giving this knowledge to the world. Then Shunyam Nirav researched this concept further and came up with his book. Switchwords easily give you whatever you want in life and Liz Dean and many more contributed to sharing this knowledge with the world.

Advanced usage of switch words

* Use them with other healing modalities like Reiki, Crystal Grids, etc.
* Use them with the emotional freedom technique
* Use with Radionic machine

What are Energy Circles?

Energy Circles are a simple means of broadcasting the energy components presented in them. Anyone can create an energy circle with switch words or number codes or with both. All you need is white paper(white on both sides) and a pen. Just write the switch words or numbers or both on white paper and draw a circle around it. The energy circle is ready. The circle need not be perfectly round. Any shape is fine.

How to use Switch words?

Switchwords are used in many ways…
Simple usage
* Chant, whisper or say loudly many many times daily. Don’t count…never focus on a number. Focus on intention. The more chanting the better.
* Write them down in a notebook many times daily.
* Don’t count just write more times.
* Meditate them.
* Write them on a sticker paper and stick it on the body. Use a different sticker daily for hygienic reasons.
* Write them on wristbands, knee guards, clothes, or anything we wear. The sky’s the limit for your imagination.
* Write on paper and stick it on a water bottle and drink that water in sips throughout the day. But after 15 minutes of writing.
* Well, they are just simple, everyday words. No one knows exactly how switching words work, but it is likely that the vibrational frequency of the meaning of the word is not important. It may be related to its meaning or it may not.

Who can use Switchwords?

Anyone can make use of switch words. There’s no danger or harm in their use. Feel free to try them for any situation, so that they could relieve or improve.

What can I use switch words for?

* In a word, anything.
* For money and abundance.
* For increasing sales and business to clear debts
* For any illness, disease, or even congenital – deformities to relieve and correct.
* Any building characteristics like creativity, confidence, genius, etc.
* For clearing negative energies and negative emotions.
* To resolve relationship issues.
* And many more, literally no limits.

In short, switch words are the modern mantras. They are not any spells, black magic, mumbo jumbo, or witchcraft. They are purely divine blessings. They can transform your life the way you want.

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