Do not throw your old clothes restyle them

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Doesn’t it break your heart to see your once upon a time most worn and loved top lying unused in your cupboard? Yes, it does! Why not re-use such clothes?

Well, we tell you different ways to create something usable out of your old garments, or clothes that don’t fit you anymore.

Restyle Your Old Outfits

restyle your old clothes the lifestyle journalist magazine

If your top looks dull and old you can restyle it to make it look stylish. How? Embellishments such as zippers, studs, and glitter can turn your old looking top or shirt into a hip piece of clothing. You can also dye it to add some vibrancy or you can sew a contrasting pocket to update it. In this case, the mini skirt was out of fashion. By cutting up layers, the skirt got a new look.

Create Patches

restyle your old clothes the lifestyle journalist magazine

Isn’t it annoying when your favorite pair of jeans gets torn and you have to throw it away? Well, why not create a patch out of your old t-shirt or any other garment and integrate into your jeans to cover the damaged area. You can do the same with your denim jacket or shirt.

Make New Garment Out of Old One

how can we restyle our old clothes the lifestyle journalist magazine

This seems interesting! You can make a completely new garment out of the fabric of your old clothes. You can make anything from a belt to another kind of dress out of an old outfit. Take the idea from the image here.

Create Curtains

restyle your old clothes the lifestyle journalist magazine create patches jackets denim style fashion in style

Patchwork curtains can be a unique attraction in your house. First of all, measure the dimensions of your existing curtains. Then, cut the similarly sized squares of fabric from your old clothes. More the variety of colours and patterns, more vibrant your squares will turn out to be. Now, stitch the squares along their edges into one cohesive piece of fabric.

Make Pillow Cases

Cut off the arms of a shirt and the ridge around the neck. Make a paper pattern that is the same size as your pillow form, and place it on your shirt. Cut out both layers of fabric. This will give you the front and back sides of your pillow. Pin the front and back sides of the pillow fabrics together and sew around all four sides of the pillow fabric. Clip your corners, and turn the pillow cover right side out. Insert your pillow form, and button the closure.

Sew a Quilt

how can we restyle our old clothes the lifestyle journalist magazine

You can turn your old duds into a quilt. Imagine how much you will cherish that quilt you made from your old clothes every time you use it to keep yourself warm.

Let us know if these tips helped you or not.

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