H&M Hugely Attacked on Social Media

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After Ad shows, Black Kid Wearing “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle Hoodie”, Apologizes

After a serious backlash over an ad that featured a black kid wearing a sweatshirt that read “Coolest monkey in the jungle”. The image caused a wave of criticism on social media, with a lot of people calling it racist and unacceptable, compelling the company to pull the hoodie from stores worldwide sort of creating a campaign against the popular brand.

A lot of news channels covered it with regular updates as well. R&B star The Weekend, who had previously collaborated with the brand on men’s collection said he will no longer work with H&M after seeing this image.

Celebrities like Snoop Dogg and King James also shared their comments on social media, altering the boy’s image.

Moving on after all the criticism, H&M said in a statement to NBC News that, “We understand that many people are being upset about the image. We who work with at H&M can only agree. We are deeply sorry that the picture was taken, and we also regret the actual print”.

H&M said that they removed the picture online but NBC news found it still being sold overnight Tuesday on the company’s Spanish website.

This is not the first time this has happened! Shoppers on Amazon were agitated last year by a company called ArturoBuch that appeared to promote anorexia. What’s best is that even huge brands like H&M at the end apologize and everybody appreciates such gestures.


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