homemade remedies for smooth and shiny hair

Homemade remedies for smooth and shiny hair

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One can find several chemical products in the market to artificially smoothen their hair. But, there are a lot of options available at your home too, which are way more inexpensive and natural to smoothen your hair.


Honey is well known for its anti-dehydration and oxidation properties. It is a rich source of several vitamins and minerals. It is considered as a natural hair smoothener and conditioner. Honey is very effective. You can mix honey in your oil too. Mix the mixture well and apply it on your hair. For better results repeat it once a week.


Banana is rich in potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, natural oils and vitamins. It can be applied for smoothening. Take one banana mash it in a bowl. Add your oil (preferably olive oil) into it. Apply the mixture on your hair. After five minutes rinse it off. You can wash your hair with shampoo after that.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a rich source of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 and Vitamin E. It contains magnesium, iron, and phosphorous, iron, calcium. It also contains fatty oils. Apply coconut milk once in a week and it will smoothen your hair effectively.

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Egg is a rich source of vitamins including vitamin A, E, proteins and minerals. Take an egg and separate egg white from the rest of the egg. Pour it in a bowl. Add some oil into it and apply on your hair. Wash it off after an hour. Egg is the most suitable element for smoothening of the hair.


Aloe Vera is rich in enzymes that make your hair smooth and soft. It has a chemical composition that helps in hair growth. It provides proper hydration to plants. Aloe- Vera gel penetrates into hair and provides the moisture. Extract aloe vera gel from the stems and apply onto your hair.

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