Krishna Shroff

Krishna Shroff: From an overweight teenager to a fitness icon!

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From being an overweight teenager and struggling with body insecurities to becoming a fitness motivation for people all across the globe, Krishna Shroff has lived a truly inspiring journey. She and her brother Tiger Shroff are the founders of MMA Matrix Fitness Center, and Krishna is also the founder of Matrix Fight Night, the home of Indian Mixed Martial Arts. Here is an exclusive interview with entrepreneur Krishna Shroff, the face of our April 2022 Edition, packed with a love for health and fitness.

What inspired you to start your fitness journey?

When I first began my journey, I was going through a big change in my life and felt like I needed to do something that prioritised myself over everything else. I was motivated to become the best version of myself and do something that nobody else could do for me.

How would you describe a typical day in your life?

Every day is different because I’m a super spontaneous person who lives life day to day. However, the one thing that remains constant is my training session at 10:00 AM, six times a week. This sets my days right and allows me to start each day on a positive note.

Krishna Shroff

A fitness myth you would like to break for the readers?

Women and men don’t have to train differently. Women are just as capable as men are; however, they don’t produce the same testosterone that men do to make them overly muscular or “bulky.” Lift those weights, ladies!

How did you step into the world of mixed martial arts?

I’ve followed the sport for over a decade now. It’s the fastest-growing sport today, WORLDWIDE. I’ve always been highly intrigued by the mental strength these men and women possess. It’s honestly like no other. I always say that it takes an extraordinary individual to do what they do. I feel blessed to be surrounded by such inspiring and strong individuals on a daily basis.

What are your future plans for your MMA league, Matrix Fight Night?

We just celebrated our 3rd birthday. It’s grown exponentially within such a short amount of time. We’ve had promotions and top athletes from all over the world reaching out to us for collaboration opportunities or even just to acknowledge the excellent work Matrix Fight Night (MFN) is doing for the sport and its athletes. We’ve got plans to take MFN global once again; however, I won’t be
disclosing the venue just yet. It’s going to be a massive one!

How do you deal with any hate comments on your social media?Krishna Shroff

I don’t. If I ever come across one, it’s just not something that registers. Trust me when I tell you I’ve gone through MANY years of insecurities, but not anymore. What someone—especially someone who acts like an imbecile sitting at home on their phone and who would probably also take a selfie with me if they ever were to see me says, doesn’t change who I know I am.

How has your fitness journey influenced your personal and professional life?

It’s changed my life. It’s been the best decision I’ve ever made in my life, and I couldn’t imagine ever living a life without it again. It’s given me strength (both mentally and physically), a newfound purpose, and just overall happiness.

Things on your future bucket list?

1) Continue to grow Matrix Fight Night across the world as well as expand MMA Matrix (My chain of gyms across India).
2) Launch two other business ideas that I’ve conceptualised.
3) Create a coffee table book (because let’s be honest, nobody has the time or patience to read an entire book) of my journey from being an overweight kid to where I’m at now and how each phase shaped me both mentally and physically. It’s going to be one that people will really be able to relate to.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Prioritise YOU. Drink lots of water, eat clean foods, and get some movement every single day! The older you will bless you for it. Another big one is that it’s okay to say no. You don’t have to please everyone. The reals ones will get it.

What keeps you motivated to not give up during the hard days?

The fact that I know where I started this journey. Nobody but myself knows the amount of dedication and sacrifice it took, especially for someone as social as I am. I’ve had to miss out on multiple gatherings, occasions, etc., but it’s been so worth it. This newfound sense of security and love for myself is something that I’ll never let go of or slip away because I’ve come too far, and I’ve done it myself for myself.

A piece of advice for people who are new on their fitness journeys?

Be patient. Be consistent. Don’t compare your journey to what you see on social media or even to the person right next to you. Everyone is different. Embrace that uniqueness and dwell in this crazy world because there’s so much you can learn about your own body and mind and just how far you’re able to push yourself. It’s an extremely empowering journey, so don’t be disheartened if results don’t come overnight. They won’t.

What is your go-to way of relaxing at the end of a tiring day?

I love putting my feet up, watching a good movie, and having a glass of red wine.

A message for people struggling with body image issues?

Realise that the power to change is only within you and nobody else. What someone says about you doesn’t define who you are, but if it bothers you, then try to channelise those feelings into doing something to better yourself. Nobody can get up and do the work for you, so whatever I or anyone else in your life says to you doesn’t matter if you’re not willing to make those changes for yourself.

Three health tips that can be implemented in everyday lives?

1) Sleep is vital for recovery! People do everything right except get enough rest, which can greatly impact their results.
2) Follow a nutrition plan that you can make a lifestyle. Take it from someone who’s tried every diet in the book: You need something that’s sustainable in order to continue to move closer toward your goal as opposed to always going two steps back once you’re done with your “crash course.”
3) Don’t deprive yourselves of the foods you love. Life is about balance. If you want to go out to your favourite Italian restaurant and eat pizza, do it. You’re never going to look as good if you don’t feel the best you can. These two things go hand in hand.

What is your take on increased fitness enthusiasm among Indians?

I love to see how much it’s growing amongst all age groups in our country! I always say fitness is the most booming industry today. It’s the present and the future. People finally realise that nothing else matters without your health. No amount of fame or money can be enjoyed without good health. I’m delighted to see the shift, and I’m excited to be one of the leaders in helping people achieve the lifestyle they deserve through overall well-being. Krishna Shroff

How has the film industry background of your family influenced your personal progression?

It’s absolutely given me a platform. It’s given me a louder voice to help motivate and inspire people because more people want to listen. I’ve been able to grow my businesses at a much faster pace, all thanks to the massive name I come from, and I’ll forever be grateful for that. However, when it comes to putting in the work for myself every single day and continuing to stay motivated to do so, that comes solely from within me. Nothing or no one will do that for you.

Apart from your career, what else is on top
of your priority list?

The good health and happiness of myself and my family are all that matters to me in this world.

Top lessons you have learnt in life?

Silence is golden. You can learn so much by just observing and listening and not always trying to talk over everyone else or constantly voice the opinions you already have. I’m also highly temperamental, so I’m learning to stay patient and make sure I don’t say anything if I have nothing nice to say. The world needs more kindness anyway.

Your favourite holiday destination?

’m a sucker for beaches! Anywhere by the water always makes me feel most at ease.

Your favourite food?

I’m honestly not a picky eater at all. I love food! From Italian to Japanese, to Indian, I’ll eat it all, and I love it all! Pizza, pasta, sushi, curries… I could talk about food all day.

Do you guide your father on fitness?

I don’t necessarily preach it to him, but I know for a fact that he’s always motivated to get up and get on our treadmill at the house whenever he sees me get it done. Everyone’s been saying this is the best/fittest dad’s looked, so I’d like to think it has something to do with my journey because Tiger’s been in it for a lot longer, and I’ve never seen dad as into it as he has been recent.

What does it feel to see movies of Tiger and when people relate you to him?

I’m the proudest sister you’ll ever know! I’m definitely his number one fan, and I feel so lucky and blessed every day to have a brother like him. What a massive win it is for me if/when people do ever relate or compare us! He’s a phenom that’s been created out of sheer hard work, disciple, and dedication.

Anything else you wish to share with our readers and your fans?

Nothing specific, but I always like to tell them whenever I get the chance to that I appreciate each and every one of them and am so grateful for all their love and support. I’ll keep trying to motivate as much as I can through the platforms that connect me to them.

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