On The Top Sameer Khatri

On The Top Sameer Khatri

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Directing the giants who are known to provide (and run) supply chain solutions for scores of companies on daily basis definitely, needs a lot of strength and skill! Sameer Khatri, a top-notch corporate professional, has been designated as Director of three such companies DSV AIR & SEA, UTi and INDAIR CARRIERS.

TLJ writer  Divjot Kamboj gets an insight into the leader Sameer Khatri’s life, goals, interests and a lot more


DSV is a global supplier of transport and logistics services. With offices and facilities in more than 80 countries on six continents, they provide and run supply chain solutions for thousands of companies on a daily basis. What makes their manoeuvre extraordinary is that their reach is global yet their presence is local, which is a huge advantage for all their customers. DSV Air & Sea, one of the three divisions of the organisation offers alternative routes and flexible schedules to suit even the most demanding logistical requirements to and from all parts of the world. Sameer Khatri is heading the operations of DSV Air & Sea in the Indian Subcontinent and now you shall see the globe from the horizon of the tycoon.

Thousands of companies entrust their faith in you. What is it that makes your services stand apart?

Sameer Khatri: The beauty is that we link our customers to their own customers. Our commitment ensures that the mechanisms for thousands of companies would continue to roll. Today the key focus of premier companies is not on manufacturing but on reaching the markets. Now the competition is not Organisation versus Organisation but Supply Chain versus Supply Chain. We at DSV handle more than 1.3 million TEUs of sea freight every year. With our expertise we comfort numerous businesses in the core area that’s exactly what encourages them to entrust their faith in us.

Uniting the world economically sounds tedious. How does DSV encourage world trade as global intermediaries?

Sameer Khatri: Heading the Indian subcontinent and running the business in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh all at once has made me realise that the world economies have demarcation between their political and economic relations.  The world today is one huge global ‘economic’ village! In order to do trade across all borders and overseas, it’s our job to understand the trade policies and legal formalities. Our entire focus is to do the right business in the right way!

How would you define your role as a Director of the gigantic corporate? What is your vision for the organisation?

Sameer Khatri: As a CEO the most important task is to add value to the organisation. I believe any corporate has majorly three stake holders- the shareholders, the clients and the employees. You take care of these three and they, in turn, will take care of the organisation’s goal.  My greatest vision is to make DSV an ‘organisation of choice’ for employees and customers. We are working towards making it robust enough that its name would speak for itself.

Numerous employees work tirelessly to achieve an organisational goal. How do you manage to keep them all motivated?

Sameer Khatri: We make it clear to all the candidates that we are not here to offer a job but a career! For all our employees, we hunt for their skills, polish them and make it their strengths. We offer them a platform where they can take pride in the work they do thereby accomplishing their personal as well as organisational goals. We let them lead and watch them behind their backs. Ours is a very democratic set-up where workforce at all levels voice their opinions because they know it will be valued.

Could you talk about the Corporate Social Responsibility at DSV? Are there any social responsibility that you would personally want to achieve?

Sameer Khatri: As a global transport and logistics company, we have a global impact and a great corporate social responsibility. We find it only natural to take good care of our employees and the environment in order to ensure that our work is based on an ethical business model. Personally, I feel that I am nobody to give back to the society. Saying this sounds as if I am an outsider. I am very much a part of the society, it’s my home. The very way, in which I live, I ensure that I do all good and no harm.

Amidst all this how do you take out for yourself?

Sameer Khatri: Every Saturday I take some time off for playing golf. During the working days, the time that I spend in the gym is my succour. Apart from that I make it a point that the days when my morning starts at home, I ensure I have breakfast with my wife. The time that I spend with her over tea, gazing at our little garden with tiny birds and squirrels is utter peace! That satisfaction after a workout and that solace in a calm breakfast adds beauty to my day.

How do you manage to be fit? Any health habits that you would swear by?

Sameer Khatri: I am passionate about my fitness! And passion is always easy to manage. Fat or junk is an absolute no for my diet. The lunch is always fruits and I avoid carbohydrates in the evening. I try not to miss a single day at gym. But the days when I’m travelling, I prefer to do some limb exercises, planks and stretches. Of course, golf on Saturdays is another hit that keeps me fit.

Any personal goals that you have set for yourself?

Sameer Khatri: I have lived enough for myself. As I’m growing old, I see my personal goals shrinking. I am blessed with two sons and for the next fifteen years I wish to contribute to their lives in whatever way I can. Although I am not an expert on that and I think no parent is but like any other father I too wish my sons the best in life. I won’t say this because it is the right thing to say but I really want my kids to be responsible citizens first and successful ‘chaps’ later.

How do you visualise your old age?

Sameer Khatri: I am very fond of mountains and hills and I would want to spend my old age in one such peaceful valley. I have this dream where I establish and run a small school for the local kids in that valley and I want to be one of the teachers in that school. All though I have not started working on it but I hope this intention would someday be a manifestation.

A final message for the readers and the to-be leaders.

Sameer Khatri: There could be times when there will be nothing much under your control and that’s when you need to control the mind! When at work be transparent; be upfront about your views and do not compromise on your integrity and the efforts that your work demands. Know that you have to sail or sink together so teamwork is as important as hard work.  In the personal life just be simple, be real and don’t forget to strike a balance!

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