Those Fairy stories you have heard are all true

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As kids, the fairy tales made us have faith in the goodness of the world. What if we could actually tap the messages of fairies and rekindle the joy and prosperity in our life? The wait is over as TLJ Divjot Kamboj, in a colloquy with renowned spiritual therapist Nimrata Chadha, elucidates the magical messages from a fairy deck!


Are fairies for real?

Fairies are as real as you and me.They are just as real as angels.Yet, only people who believe, are open-minded, or have a pure heart can sense them. Working with the Fairies Oracle Cards, Nimrata experienced, “Fairies are very shy and sensitive beings who hide from harsh environments or people. So those who are prone to skepticism cannot feel the fairies.” It is believed that god made fairies as the angels of nature. They are beings of pure, divine light and love with an important mission of healing and protecting the environment and animals.

Fairies & fortune

Many people report that the angels or fairies help them with finances. If you need your finances sorted, or a fl ow of abundance in your life, fairies are often happy to assist. Nimrata shares, “While the fairies usually don’t bring literal pots of gold,they do bestow good fortune upon those humans whom they
favor. This is one of many reasons to make friends with the fairies.” They are wonderful teachers. To bring something to reality one has to imagine what one wants and it is created in an instant!

Seeking fairy assistance

Being a natural healer with inborn intuitive instincts, Nimrata offers an in-depth reading of the fairy cards. Nimrata shares, “The fairy deck can give you incredibly detailed information regarding your love life, financial situation, how your family and friends impact your life. Life’s different demands can be overwhelming. However, the fairies can help you pinpoint the things you need to focus on for a happier life.” The readings will help you discover the options of experiencing life with better health,
more happiness and the ability to see the silver lining in the dark sky.



Tarot Card Reader expert Nimrata
Chadha can be reached at::
Mob 9996422559
[email protected]

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