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The THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY was founded in New York USA on November 17th 1875. The founders included Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, and William Quan Judge. Britisher Annie Besant (1847–1933), who played a key role in India’s freedom struggle, was also the second President of the Society, which has its headquarters at Adyar, Chennai.

Interview by Lippi Parida

Mr Tim Boyd assumed office as the eighth international President of the THEOSOPHICAL Society on 27th April 2014. Simple, candid, and always ready to smile, he is the right person to occupy the position previously held by Annie Besant and Radha Burnier and further the cause of Theosophy and the THEOSOPHICAL Society.

Tim Boyd is married to Lily, who is from Singapore and speaks several languages including Tamil. Their daughter Angelique is attending college. From 1996–2000, Tim Boyd has worked in hospice services as a volunteer in a team that involved doctors, social workers, and nurses.

Tim plays the flute and is an excellent cook and gardener. I speak to Tim Boyd on the uniqueness and value of Theosophy.

What is the principle of the Theosophists?

There is no religion higher than truth. Today worldwide there are 28,000 members in 70 countries. Out of that, 40 percent of the membership comes from India.

As Tim Boyd travels all over the world giving talks, what does he notice about India?

India, being an ancient civilization, has a philosophical approach. Here, people ask questions, analyze, and come to certain conclusions. However, at the core, everybody is united by their search for the truth.

Tim BOYD’S take on being vegetarian.

I became vegetarian many years ago. The effects of being a vegetarian have a tremendous effect on our inner health. Being a good cook has also helped influence people’s liking for vegetarianism. Once, while he was driving, Tim BOYD’S daughter noticed the pigs on a trailer nearby and thought they were rather cute. When her father told her they were headed for the slaughterhouse, Angelique, his daughter, instantly decided to become vegetarian.

An experience in human distraction.

Human beings are getting distracted all the time, says Tim Boyd. But what is most worrying is the projection of fear. People are afraid of terrorism, weather change, and of each other. Recently, I was at the WOODSTOCK festival of music, and a group of people were running for some reason. Looking at them, others followed suit. I had to stop them and ask, “Hey, why are you running?”

How can we be of service to the world?

We can be of service by starting where we are, by caring for our old parents. Like they say, charity begins at home. Even my 90-year-old mother tried to help other people. By giving a meal to a hungry person, by even offering a smile to others, we can heal the world and make it a more holistic place.

Is it possible to extend our minds through Theosophy?

Theosophy believes that through practice and meditation, a human can extend his awareness so that while he is speaking to another person, he will be aware of not only that person but also of the birds singing in the trees as well.

What does it mean to be a Theosophist?

To be a Theosophist requires a certain amount of questioning as well as self-directed effort. So the type of people who tend to get attracted include mystics who want a direct relationship with God, as well as scientific academicians who recognize that there is a deeper shared truth between science and spirituality. There are also people who believe that there is something beyond the normal everyday experience.

Theosophy believes there are seven levels of consciousness. Most people experience the physical world as well as that of feeling and emotions. But there are deeper dimensions, and to access these worlds, it is important to focus on them. 

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