To all the Single Dads

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Do not get nervous about fatherhood. Adjust to your new role. Here is a guide to be a super single dad

Be yourself
Just be yourself in whatever you do. You don’t need to do something extra ordinary or to pretend to be somebody else. Your child loves you the way you are. It is important to share that special bond, and moments which are real rather than anything pretentious. Do not feel the pressure of being a super dad. It is not at all necessary.

Get involved with your kid
Do not feel intimated by everything you have heard before about being a single father. Fatherhood is a special feeling whether it’s slightly different in your case. Embrace this new chapter of your life with love and care and build that special connection with your kid. Try to get connected to their routine and everything they like.

Be a little flexible
Do not try too hard. Do not make strict rules for anything. Do not follow a similar pattern dealing with your kids and situations. Try adopting different and easy way outs for every problem. Be a little flexible when it comes to your kids. This way you can connect to them a little more and better.

Family time
Get your kids for outings, to some park or mall or out station for the weekend. A family time is necessary every now and then. Make some efforts so that everybody can enjoy and spend some quality time together from regular day to day life. Plan perfect Sunday family time. Special dinners with friends, relatives, and grandparents are necessary. Your kids should be surrounded by the people who love them.

Pay some attention
Your baby needs attention. As a single parent, your kids need double attention and care. It’s not about you only anymore. You have somebody who needs you and is dependent upon you. Give your time to your kids and pay attention to their needs; emotional and physical both. 

Important Financial Decisions
It might be possible that you earlier had financial support from your spouse or you were a bachelor before with no responsibilities. But now you have big responsibilities on your shoulders and you have to deal with it alone. So take care of your finances a little more. Spend money with a little care and plan everything before. Your baby will go to school further and his other expenses need to be taken care of. You have to save for his future higher education as well. So plan everything accordingly!

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