Parul Gulati, The Ever-Charismatic Actress

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Cheerful and gorgeous, Parul Gulati is a beauty with brains sure to leave you in awe with her indelible charm. In an exclusive conversation with Urvi Sharma, the charming actress recounts her journey in the entertainment industry so far.

The Lifestyle Journalist

“I live a simple life in this city of dreams, Mumbai, with my mother who is my biggest strength and she snaps me out when I dream way too much and not work.”

The Journey Of Parul Gulati

Was acting your childhood dream?

Parul Gulati: Well, surprisingly No! I was still in high school when I got spotted on a social media platform. It was pure luck then. I believe that God decided to place me here, and show me that this is what my life is going to be. I decided to go to a drama school and study acting. I did lots of workshops to understand this profession to its bits. I realised it back then and it made me love acting, and become so passionate about it that I want to do this all my life. Now I can say it has become my prime dream to do timeless characters in cinema. I want to be remembered for acting and no narrowed down to just looking beautiful, as that’s what usually happens to the actresses in the film industry.

You have attended formal learning in an acting school. Tell us about your experience and how has it helped you in your journey?

Parul Gulati: It is very important in any profession to have training. If you are an engineer, you study engineering. Likewise, if you are a cinematographer; you should study cinematography. The same way I studied my profession and took formal training, which opened my mind to many possibilities that I could look forward to as an actor. Being in an industry that largely relies on nepotism; the only way one can outshine or land oneself opportunities is by excelling in your craft. Your luck may vary but if you make your craft strong then nothing can stop you from doing the kind of work you want to do.

Tell us about your favourite movie project so far..

Parul Gulati: It might sound clichéd, but I have enjoyed working on all my movies. They all are my favourites and are very close to me. However, Burrah being my first film will always hold a special place in my heart. I was new, fearless and surprisingly enough, I was not nervous. However, I was definitely nervous for my next projects because they were huge and there was constant pressure and expectations mounted on my shoulders to do well. Zorawar will be my prime favourite because of the team and my character, Jasleen which was very well fleshed out and I believe that was the only film that made me feel the connection to the character.

Parul Gulati at the lifestyle journalist

Parul Gulati At The Lifestyle Journalist

“Low moments will always be there in every field but quitting is never an option for me.”

Has there ever been a low moment in glamour world which made you want to quit it?

Parul Gulati: I won’t lie, I face my fears every day. Low moments will always be there in every field but quitting is never an option for me. The only way to overcome those low moments is to keep working with the blinders on and keep the faith in you. I have realized that in the glamour world, you cannot impress everyone or make everyone happy. You should make yourself happy, be content with what you achieve and aim to get better with every project.

How has your family supported you in your journey?

Parul Gulati: In one line, their support has been tremendous. I do not know how far I could have gotten without my mother. She is my true inspiration, the one who realized my passion and supported me. It is not an easy field to be in. There are non-stop working hours where we do not have weekends off, and all the hard work one has to put into it completely leave you drained. She has understood that this struggle is important to get on to bigger heights and her support has been amazing. However little I have been able to make into this journey, it is because of my family’s love and support.

Pashmina is a must-have in every woman’s wardrobe. What kind of pashmina do you own?

Parul Gulati: I was introduced to it by my Grandmother for the first time when I was quite young. I still remember the teal coloured pashmina scarf that she got for me. I would wear it with almost everything in the winters. I am glad to know you are breaking the monotony and showing the grace of pashmina. I am already in love with these drapes. Who could have thought we could transform pashmina into a lovely gown or a tunic. (Chuckles) Take a bow, team lifestyle journalist!

Who is Parul Gulati behind the cameras, the one that people do not know of?

Parul Gulati: Do not forget I am just a girl, standing in front of you, asking you to just love her (quoting Julia Roberts from Notting Hill). I am filmy and I love good cinema. I can talk about it for hours. I live a simple life in this city of dreams, Mumbai, with my mother who is my biggest strength and she snaps me out when I dream way too much and not work. I aspire to do more of theatre plays as that is where there are no cuts and no room for mistakes. Apart from that, I love travelling, enjoy driving, I love going out for long drives sometimes just by myself, good music and good reads. That is me behind the cameras.

What are the recent projects you are working upon?

Parul Gulati: I am working on a TV series at the moment and it happens quite rarely that you are in sync with your whole team but it is very fulfilling as an artist when that happens. It took me about a month’s time to prepare to learn the language and nuances of the character, and it’s been about month that I’m shooting for it. I am eagerly waiting for it to be announced so that I can discuss it in detail. I am very kicked about having been on board for this project.

What advice will you like to give the people who aspire to join the entertainment industry?

Parul Gulati: I do not want to sound preachy but a formal training does make a lot of difference. If we ape Hollywood we should also match the way they work. You cannot land yourself an audition if you are not a trained actor. Sorry to say but our industry is already full of non-actors. But none the less that should not let anyone from stop trying if you feel you have it in you, follow your dreams and keep faith in your abilities.

Any beauty tips for our readers?

Parul Gulati: Since it is winters, moisturize your skin regularly and keep it hydrated all the time. Have a lot of water. Do not forget to put on sunscreen. In winters, we cannot really see the sun coming out but that does not mean we do not require sunscreen as winter skin is more sensitive to the sun than tanned summer skin.



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