Mrs Anjli Sharma, Principal, St Soldier International Convent School, Mohali (Punjab) shares an interesting note on how teachers adapted to the change phenomenally

The deadly COVID-19 pandemic has brought a drastic change in the work environment across all industries, and teaching was no exception. In March 2020, the country had shut its doors to control the spread of the Coronavirus, but the teaching community had gone an extra mile to battle the pandemic.
“Our teachers are no less than Corona warriors since they have been holding the guard and working tirelessly ever since the first lockdown took place,” says Mrs. Anjli Sharma, Principal, St Soldier International Convent School, Mohali (Punjab).
“Our teachers have embraced the unprecedented situation with positivity and used it as a growth opportunity. They leapt incredibly with commitment and creativity into this new way of online, producing online curricula. During lockdown, they are confronted with ever-increasing obligatory meetings and training sessions. Their work had increased tremendously compared to a working day that used to run from 7.30 am to around 2 pm,” she adds.
Elucidating how parents constantly observed the teachers during online classes, Mrs. Anjli shares how the teachers have dealt with a constant barrage of links, passwords, Google classroom, Zoom, hangout, conducting classes, meeting sessions, PTMs, and what not!
“I think the lockdown has not only adversely impacted the economy and employment opportunities but also one’s state of mind,” cites Mrs. Anjli.
She emphasizes how stimulating activities like walking, reading, dancing or singing are the need of the hour. And despite the transition of medium from real-time classrooms to the online platform, every scheduled activity mentioned in the school calendar was conducted by their school. The best way, she concurs, was to have holistic well-being in which they ensured that student’s emotional well-being and intellectual excellence are taken care of.
“Our school has undertaken a great leap by conducting its first-ever National Online E-Waste to Wealth Competition. From table tennis online training session to cleanliness drive, we have been doing it all,” she adds.
“Whatever I learned from my mother, I tried to imbibe that and transfer the same kind of love and affection to not just my biological child but also 1800 + students of the school. This is a bigger role. We understand our students and read in between the lines of lame excuses, recognize their naughty deeds. Even though not connected biologically but we are connected emotionally,” says Mrs. Anjli Sharma.
“Behind the success and growth of any child, there is a mother who stayed awake day and night to bring his dreams to reality. Right from teaching to walk, eat, speak, and write, she is always there for you. We should thank our mothers for being the constant support and guide for what we are today,” she adds.