Blossom Kochhar Beauty’s Big Boss

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A Pioneer in Aromatherapy

Today, You are a pioneer in the field of Aromatherapy. What prompted you to start your own brand?

When we started, everyone knew about Ayurveda, but everyone was clueless about Aromatherapy and I was always clear from the starting that I wanted to know what goes on the skin. I wanted to educate my consumers about Aromatherapy. Also, beauty is very holistic, and these oils work on the body, mind, and soul, therefore, I started Aromatherapy based beauty products.

You hold top-class clientele. How have you managed all this so far?

For me, consumers are most important. Building a relationship and creating an equation with clients makes a very essential part of my business.

Please tell us something about your products. What was the idea behind using natural ingredients in your products?

We all are made of a lot of chemicals and a lot of skin products are made of chemicals; therefore it can harm you. So, I wanted to use pure and natural ingredients in our products that will not harm the skin rather make it beautiful and radiant for a longer period.

With wedding season coming up, what are the special things that one should keep in mind for healthy and beautiful skin?

It is important for the brides and grooms both to eat well, including a lot of green vegetables, fruit, sprouts, tofu in their diet. Also, drink a lot of water, at least 8-10 glasses and eat vitamin B, C complex. A healthy lifestyle is incomplete without exercise, therefore, include yoga, walking, dancing in your daily routine. A good quality sleep becomes luxury for the bride and groom so they should take out at least 6-7 hours for quality sleep. To keep their skin glowing throughout all their functions they should follow cleansing, toning, oiling and moisturising (CTOM) in the morning and at night. I would also suggest to always keep ‘ylang ylang’ essential oil to feel exotic and ‘Neroli’ essential oil to keep yourself calm.

Your favourite celebrity

Sushmita Sen because she is strong and women of substance.

What is beauty according to you?

Beauty is not only on the outside but inside too. For me beauty is holistic, a pretty face can only be considered complete with a healthy body and a smart mind.

Your favourite beauty product?

Blossom Kochhar Aroma Magic Reviving oxy pack, as it revives the skin and lavender oil essential oil.

What is your skin care routine?

I religiously follow CTOM (cleansing, toning, oiling and moisturising) in morning and night. Exfoliate once a week with coffee bean scrub and irrespective of me being anywhere I do not forget to apply sunscreen.

How important is it for you to make safe products?

People trust Aroma Magic and pass it on for generations, from mothers to their daughters to their grandchildren, therefore, it becomes even more important for me to use the right ingredients and make chemical free products for my consumers.

Your brand is one of the largest Aromatherapy brands in India. How has your journey been so far? Any regrets?

Initially people were not aware of Aromatherapy, but now not only do they understand it’s important but have also started including it in their lives. I have had no regrets in my journey, it’s been very exciting and even the challenges that I have faced have helped me in growing.

Your philosophy in life

Live every moment, laugh, laugh and be happy.

What are the lessons you have learned so far?

Two very important things that I have learned in life, people skills are the most important in any profession. Your technical skills are 20% and people skills are 80% of your success. Secondly, do what you would want others to do to you. Before saying or doing anything, I always think twice how I would feel if the same thing happened to me and based on that I make any decision.

How do you balance your personal and professional life?

My personal and professional life is not different, I live aromatherapy, beauty is a part of me. I take out time for myself, I give time to my family, no phones are allowed on the dinner table and we discuss our day, we connect. I also take out time for my office people as it is important to know how they are doing, their grievances and what plans they have for the company and themselves.

Could you share details about your family members? Do they help out in business?

One of the major reason I am successful is because of my family. From my husband to my daughter and my grandson, they all have contributed to my career and have helped me get going through the ups and downs of my life.

Please share some basic skin and hair regime tips.

Skin Care:

  • Exfoliation is the process to remove the dead cells from the skin and open blocked pores. Aroma Magic Coffee Bean Scrub exfoliates, deep cleanses and improves circulation. It helps the skin look fresh and young.
  • Dip your feet in a tub of lukewarm water with 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil to keep your feet clean and bacteria free.
  • Detoxification is a very important part of the monsoon skincare regime. Apply the aroma magic detoxifying mineral pack that helps the skin in absorbing impurities and repairing tired skin.
  • Use half of the lemon mixed with a teaspoon of honey and egg white. Do it every day for six to eight weeks and see the difference for yourself.
  • To avoid prickly heat and to soothe it, dust the body with equal quantities of boric powder, sandalwood powder, and talcum powder.

Hair Care:

  • Every girl encounters severe hair fall issues when it starts to rain. Aroma Magic has introduced hair revitalising serum to help reduce hair fall, strengthen hair roots, increase blood circulation and stimulate hair follicle formulation.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar into the bath water with 2 drops of lavender or ylang-ylang essential oil to make your hair feel and smell good in the monsoons.
  • Soak two spoonful of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning, make a paste of the seeds and apply on the head. Leave it on for half an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This acts as a dandruff cleanser.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner or an anti-frizz serum to manage your frizz during monsoons.
  • Mix 2-3 tablespoons yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey in a bowl. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water.

What is your perspective on artificial beauty trends?

Artificial beauty is becoming a fad nowadays, people want instant results when it comes to skin care and artificial beauty products provide them that. Though it is becoming the latest trend I believe you cannot ignore the natural and organic products. Though their results are not instant but stay for a very long period of time.

What were the initial challenges you faced being a woman entrepreneur?

I love what I do, therefore any challenges that I faced never bogged me down. In fact, when people saw my commitment towards my work they always wanted to help me.

What is your advice to budding women entrepreneurs?

Love what you do, be passionate and never give up.

What can be expected from your organisation in the upcoming years? (Any succession plans?

We are coming up with exciting things this year, we will be expanding our green salon concept and you will soon see Aroma Magic exclusive spas.

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