Colour Your Hair the Natural Way

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Whether you do it for covering up greys or just for a change, colouring gives your hair a youthful spin. But have you ever thought about harsh and fatal chemicals these chemical dyes contain?

According to National Cancer Institute, there are 5000 different chemicals used in the hair dye products. Additionally, use of these hair dyes can potentially increase the risk of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. But thankfully there are plenty of natural, non-toxic ways to change your look.

Check out some amazing ingredients, easily available in your kitchen, which can help you get the colour you desire.

1. Coffee, It works wonders if you’re looking for a bit darker colour to cover your grey hair or add dimensions to darker tresses.

-Brew a strong cup of dark roast-coffee
– Mix ½ cup of coffee with 2 tbsp of coffee grounds and 1 cup of leave in conditionerthe lifestylejournalistmagazine

– Apply the mixture to clean hair and divide them into portions- Let the mixture stay there for about one hour and then wash it off with mild shampoo

2. Lemon Juice, If you want to lighten your hair naturally, try using lemon. Many people use lemon as an alternative to salon dye.

-Mix ½ cup of water with 2 tbsp of lemon juice

-Apply it to damp hair, and allow it to dry naturally (prefer sitting in sunlight)
– Wash your hair after the lemon has dried up own its own.

3. Herbs, If you want to give your hair a touch of red colour, then go for calendula, marigold, rose hips and hibiscus. If you keep using this dye regularly, you will notice more colour.

– Simmer the flowers in water for 30-45 minutes.
-Strain and cool it
– Transfer this mixture in a spray bottle and spray it on your hair
-Keep it for 1-2 hours and allow it to dry in sun if possible

4. Henna, It is one of the best and the most popular natural hair dyeing ingredients. Henna is the powdered form of henna leaves that come from Henna plant. It is natural and effective hair dye that is being used for many years to dye hair and skin.

-Mix 1 cup of henna powder with 2 cups of lemon juice
– Allow the mixture to sit for about 5-6 hours until it thickens
– Apply it to your hair and divide your hair to spread it evenly
-Wrap your hair in plastic cap and allow it to dry for 2-3 hours

5. Beet Juice, If you wish to give your hair a touch of deep red with cooler undertones, opt for beetroot.

-Mix beet juice with carrier oil like coconut or olive oil
-Apply the mixture generously to your hair and then wrap your hair in plastic cap
– Allow the mixture to set for 1-2 hours, before washing

6. Tea, It can help you achieve darker colour and also cover your grey hair. There are different types of teas that you can use. While chamomile is recommended for blondes, rooibos may help you get a shade of red.

-Use 3-5 teabags for two cups of water
-Mix the cooled tea with leave-in conditioner and apply it to your hair

– To cover grey hair, mix tea with some dried sage
– Leave it on for at least 1 hour
-Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

After you try these methods let us know how it all worked out for you!

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