blue matcha vs green matcha tea

Green vs Blue Matcha tea: which one is healthier

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You must have heard about the latest health trend “Matcha” tea! Haven’t you? Well, many people are in love with this trend and are going crazy over it!

Matcha green tea is considered more special because this tea is grown in shade for approximately three weeks before it is harvested. After this entire process stem and veins are removed. When the tea leaves are grown in shade, Camellia sinensis (plant) produces more theanine and caffeine than casual.

Green matcha tea weight loss matcha tea at home blue

You can consume it with water or even milk. The tea, they say, is power packed with exponentially more anti-oxidants.

A recent study through antioxidant research method known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) discovered that Matcha contains 20 times more antioxidants than blueberries and pomegranates. Matcha rating, according to the research, was 1537 units per gram, compared to pomegranates 105 units and blueberries 93 units per gram.

You have to drink 10 cups of green tea to match the single serving of Matcha!! That’s the power this tea! Gotcha?

How does Matcha tea help in weight loss?

Matcha tea is a great addition to your diet if you want to lose kilos. As it works in two ways- helps in metabolism and burns the extra fat. One recent study even suggested that Matcha may help burn calories four times faster than usually green tea.

Green matcha tea weight loss matcha

The best thing about Matcha tea is that it does not give stress to the body. Most nutritionists suggest that it is a safe trend to try as it does not affect the heart rate and does not raise blood pressure.

A study featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming Matcha green tea can increase thermogenesis (the body’s own rate of burning calories) from a normal rate of 8% to 10% of daily energy expenditure to almost 35% to 43%.

How does it help to detox?

Detox! The favorite word of health-conscious people! Green Matcha is the perfect way to detox your body. Matcha tea is grown in shade; it is substantially richer in chlorophyll than other green teas which make it a superior daily detox. Matcha helps in safely cleansing and purge the body from harmful elements.

green tea matcha tea

Green Matcha versus Blue Matcha

Let us shed some light on blue matcha. Every foodie on Instagram is following and uploading pretty blue matcha images! What is it exactly? People are using the colorful blue tea and flaunting it, they are also trying it with juices and even in smoothie bowls.

Even though blue matcha is beautiful to look at but it is not the blue form of traditional green matcha. Rather it is a completely different plant altogether. This blue matcha powder is made from dried flowers of the butterfly pea plant. Blue matcha lacks the main components which green matcha has i.e. antioxidants and caffeine.

blue matcha tea health benefits green matcha

There is no researched information on blue matcha, unfortunately! But it was supposed to have its own benefits. Some say blue matcha prevents immature aging, decrease the risk of cancer, improves eyesight and strengthen hair. Well, go by the advice of your personal nutritionist and if you do not have one, find a good one today!

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