Losing Weight Though Ayurveda

Losing Weight Though Ayurveda

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Ayurveda provides us with a simple approach to weight loss which is easy to follow and is incredibly effective. Gaurav Goswami explains the process, following which you will reclaim a vibrant sense of health and wellbeing….

Body Type

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the ‘Kapha’ type; water and earth, people are more likely to gain weight easily. The ‘Vata’ type; more air and ether, are generally skinny and devoid of much fat. And finally, the ‘Pitta’ type; fire, dosha personality are gifted with proportional body type, they could gain weight if they lose their balance.

Food with benefit’s

Being overweight involves an inherent excess in ‘Kapha’ dosha.If your body is getting heavier or gaining unwanted weight, then it is likely that you have simply been introducing too heavy qualities of food to your body.

The difficult-to-digest-foods according to Ayurveda are processed foods which are laden with trans-fats, white sugar, white flour or high fructose corn syrup; meats especially beef, lambs, pork, cage eggs, yellow cheese like cheddar, wheat especially in the form of processed yeast bread and pasta, and highly processed milk consumed cold.

Conversely, a return to balance requires an increase in opposing influences which are provided by consuming light foods, like, herbs and spices as they are not only light, but also promote balanced digestion especially ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin and fennel, split moong dal and moong dal flour, red lentils

Although they are slightly heavier than spilt dal but still light, green vegetables excluding root vegetables as they are heavier, basmati rice and millet, raggi and buckwheat as they are light and slightly astringent which helps to dry out any excess fluid.

Make a Commitment

Ayurveda does not focus on short term goal but is actually a lifelong process which will take you towards your optimal health.

And for you to incorporate this into your life you need to undertake these commitments- practice fifteen minutes of yoga every day, eat three specific meals, follow a ‘Kapha’ pacifying meal, exercise at least three times per week and establish daily routine to support your commitment. Let’s take them one at a time!

Practice Yoga

Yoga is an incredibly powerful practice that benefits the body, mind and spirit. It awakens, lubricates and cleanses the body, massages and stimulates the organs of digestion and elimination, tones the joints and muscles, increases circulation, kindles healthy internal heat, activates the digestive fire and facilitates detoxification.

Surya Namaskar is a great way to start your day. This practice is dynamic, rhythmic and flowing which balances the entire system, the important thing is to work with the breath and to cultivate presence throughout the mind and body as you flow though the asanas.

Also Read this : Ayurveda Precious Lessons to Stay Healthy!

Eat Three Meals

Maintaining a healthy metabolism requires appropriate kindling, and a regular and reliable source of fuel, if you stop eating entirely this fire will die down.

Effectively stroking the digestion capacity requires eating appropriately sized meals at suitable intervals so that the body is neither overwhelmed with the quantity nor frequency of food taken.

It is important to remember to avoid snacks in between meals, because digestion fire is strongest when it can full digest one meal before being asked to digest anything else. Modern day nutritionists suggest that small frequent meals are an even better idea. For people with ‘Pitta’prakriti this is strongly recommended.

Have ‘kapha’ pacifying diet

Excess ‘Kapha’ is involved in being overweight, but it can also cause resistance to change, heaviness of the mind and body, depression and a sluggish metabolism.

So eating a ‘Kapha’ pacifying diet helps to clean excess ‘Kapha’ from the system and can affect the body in achieving a balanced weight while improving your overall health. These include fruits, low fat milk, beans, honey among other things.

Exercise Thrice a Week- At least!

Exercise is an important component of the weight loss strategy, this need to be complimented with the daily yoga practices. Ayurveda teaches what time of day are more conducive to exercise, like, ‘Kapha’ times of the day; six to ten in the morning, when atmospheric conditions lend strength and stamina to the system.

Established Daily Routine

Establishing a routine is central to the Ayurvedic life style, as you will need to become accustomed to the new practices that you have brought in life. So establish regular sleeping and waking times, and schedule breakfast, lunch and dinner times at the same time every day.

More Tips

Always eat in a quiet, settled, comfortable place because eating is a celebration. Eat only when you feel hungry, as eating when you are full, is wasteful. While you eat take a moment and be grateful for all the human being and other elements of earth that have contributed for the meal that sits on your plate.

It is useful to avoid ice cold food and beverages, as your digestive system is designed to process food at body temperature or slightly warmer. And always eat freshly prepared food. Prepare meals that contain sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent tastes, while favoring your own body type or doshas.

Generally it takes about four hours to digest. Don’t overeat and after every meal focus your attention in your body, and then take a short walk. If you are planning a heavy meal, it is advised to schedule it between ten in the morning and two in the afternoon as theses hours, are the best for digestion!

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