The Dazzling Girl ! Meenakshi Chaudhary

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He expedition from being a studious science student to being crowned Miss Grand India 2018, Meenakshi Chaudhary has come a long way and certainly set a milestone for girls of her native state. She is smart, has the right attitude and is immensely talented! After Manushi Chhillar (former Miss India), she is the next girl to win the title from Haryana. She believes in ‘uplifting and building others’. Fearless, tender and fierce-all at the same time-that’s her. She is living and loving what she wants to and is immensely grateful for each single day of her life. Here is a conversation with Meenakshi and a peep into her meticulous regimes…..

Who is Meenakshi Chaudhary in real life?
A simple girl who is trying to fulfill all her big dreams.

Are you happy and content with your life, personal and professional, at the moment?
I am extremely happy at the moment but I think I am not content. There is still a lot more to come. So I am working for it.

You inspire multitudes. Who is your role model?
I feel fortunate enough to tell my story or struggle to the world and especially to the young generation who looks up to me. I owe it to my father who is my source of motivation and inspiration. Ever since I was a child, I have looked up to him. I know and deeply understand his struggle. He was the first officer from our village. And I am the first doctor and Miss India from my village. He defied all barriers. So I am trying to do justice to his struggle by being the best version of myself. I feel blessed each day for all the opportunities I have got to prove myself.

So where did it all begin? Your passion for this pageant and more?
It was always a dream. I always used to cut those photographs of Femina Miss India from magazines and used to paste them in my cupboard and wall. I always looked up to them. I remember telling my mother that one day I will become Miss India too! It was always there at the back of my mind that someday I will have a crown on my head. It started off very young, the passion and the dream, and today my dream has turned into a reality! I could not have asked for more.

Did you ever consider another career path?
I have a lot of ambitions and dreams. I was always inclined towards science that is why I took to dentistry. I was passionate about reading and writing too. I write poems. I was into sports as well. I have played badminton and participated in swimming events. I don’t think it is necessary to stick to one field. If we can excel in multiple fields why choose one? You get only one life. Life is too short to live so systematically, if one can do many things then why not? One must go for it.

As an actor and model, travel is an important part of the job. Do you like it?
I love travelling. Hailing from an army family, travelling has always been a part of my journey. I love exploring new places and new cultures. It has been a part
of our family ethos. After becoming Miss India I got to visit South Korea and all other places that I always wanted to visit. I feel grateful that I represented our country in the UK. It truly feels great! I thoroughly enjoy it.

What has been the most memorable experience so far?
There have been many! Seeing my dad in the audience whenever I was performing back in my school days was a pure joy. I performed every year in school and college. He used to be there always. Unfortunately, he could not make it to Miss India crowning and I really missed him. But I cherish all the moments when I could make him proud!

How do you balance your family, constant work and travelling?
That’s tough. I don’t get to talk to my family and friends like I used to before. But I think with the crown, a lot of responsibilities also come. Not as an individual but as a representative of the nation. I think my parents and friends are really supportive. Whenever I get time I connect with them, call them and talk to them.

What is that one piece of precious advice your parents gave you about surviving in the showbiz?
Honestly, they don’t know much about the glamour industry and how it works. One life lesson they have always taught me is to value time. Time waits for nobody. Not only in this industry but in any field. So that is my big learning from my parents.

As an artist how do you find time to restore your energy?
It is very important to rejuvenate and refresh yourself. Only then you will have great ideas. Otherwise, life becomes monotonous. So go out and have fun and work hard!

Do you feel secure (professionally) as a model? How do you deal with criticism?
I prepared myself for it. With all the limelight and appreciation, you get to hear negative things about you too. But I think that is a sign that you are on the top! I feel very secure right now since my only priority today is to be able represent India at an international level. I am really happy with whatever I have got.

Any sweet memory that you fondly remember from your childhood days in Haryana?
I remember my ancestral village and how my brother and I used to spend our summer vacations there. Learnt so much….I have some really good memories of our hometown!

What do you do in your leisure time?
I like to listen to music, read books and watch movies. I love spending time with myself
and these are some interesting ways of getting in touch with oneself atleast once in a while.

How would you sum up your Miss India runner-up journey?
A journey of self-realisation.

What does it take to be a model?
Passion for the profession.

What is your fitness mantra?
Healthy diet and workout.

What is your beauty regime?
Drink lots of water and adopt healthy eating habits. I also make sure I remove makeup before going to bed.

Any trait that annoys you most?
When somebody tries too hard. Do not try to be somebody you are not. The only thing that annoys me is just this!

The most adventurous thing you did last year.
A lot of things, I have engaged myself in a number of adventure sports. I did river rafting last year. That was very adventurous and thrilling.

What is your signature look?
Anything comfortable. Jeans or anything casual yet fashionable.

The Red Carpet look?
Any sheath dress or gown that compliments my body.

Quickest beauty fix
Lips and eyes are something that completes the look. Whenever I am running out of time I just put on eyeliner, mascara and a lipstick.

Your pamper fix
Sleep (laughs) which I don’t get enough nowadays.

Who is your favourite fashion designer?

Your favourite makeup artist
So many, cannot think of just one!

What are your favourite things to splurge on?
I love chocolates!!!

What makes you feel alive?
Travelling. I love it!

How has your professional journey been so far?
I would say that it has just started. There is more in store for me and more to explore.

Do you believe Bollywood has no space for outsiders?
I think it is always open for true talent, no matter where one comes from.

Any chance we will be seeing you in the Hindi films soon?
Not at the moment (laughs).

Tell us about your future projects?
To represent India internationally and win the big crown.

What actor would you happily do a love scene with?
Ranveer Singh

A piece of advice you would give to the young models?
Be who you are and embrace it. Do not try to fit in; rather create your own style!

What is your take on success and failure?
I think both are important as they play a major role in our life.





Cover Photographers Credit :

Photographer – @navindhyaniphoto
Make up artist – @ayeshasethstudio 
Hair – @smitapatel
Outfits – @izzumimehta
Jewellery – @archanaparasrampuria
BTS – DineshbVernekar
Location : Autumn Bar & Bistro

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