NEha Dhupia marriage married angad bedi pictures

Neha Dhupia ties the knot with Angad Bedi: See Pictures

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Looks like the wedding season in Bollywood is on! While the country continues to obsess over the star-studded wedding celebrations of Sonam Kapoor-Anand Ahuja, another Bollywood diva secretly tied the knot with her industry colleague.

In what will come as a good news to many, Neha Dhupia just got married to her longtime ‘best friend’ Angad Bedi. And it was everybody’s favorite wedding guest Karan Johar who broke the news on social media. In a hearty message, he wrote, “My darling and most special friend @NehaDhupia who l love and adore dearly is married to the gentleman and talented @Imangadbedi !! Here’s wishing them decades of unconditional love!!!

Neha Dhupia Marriage Anagd bedi

The bride also shared a serene photograph from the traditional Anant Karaj ceremony and captioned it as, “Best decision of my life.. today, I married my best friend. Hello there, husband! @Imangadbedi ❤”

Neha Dhupia married

Angad also shared the sentiment with an adorable caption that read, “Best friend.. now wife!! Well Hello there mrs BEDI!!! @NehaDhupia”

Neha dhupia married marriage

Credit- News18

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