Portraits Of Love- Nicole Faria & Rohan

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Nicole found her Mr. Right in Rohan Powar. The camaraderie and niggling romance between the two is unmatched. The beautiful couple tied the knot recently. Let’s find the beautiful love story in their own words-

In the words of Nicole Faria

When they met
We met through a mutual friend at a brunch and we became close over time. I noticed his good looks and accent. His beautiful mind was what I found most attractive. Rohan is a powerful and creative personality. He’s a very handsome man, self made, dedicated and helpful person. I am truly lucky to have him in my life. 

Equation over the years
Meaningful. Rohan has been the most important person in my life. He has taught me to be more patient, to be more and do more; he is a perfectionist in everything he does.

The Big Day
We decided to get married soon after he proposed to me at his farewell party in front of all our family and friends. I was taken by surprise and was very touched by how romantic he truly is. 

Craziest/ most romantic things
There are so many crazy and romantic moments in our relationship. The most recent adventure would have to be these three incidents: 
Flying a 30’s – 40’s era bi plane in Bar Harbour, Maine. We flew so high with spectacular views. I was scared at first but I had him right by my side.
Rock climbing a vertical rock at Acadia National Park and then we cooked a meal together in the wild. I just love this man and how strong he makes me feel.
Skiing in Montana – Whitefish Montana Ski Resort. We got all the way up the mountain in a cable car and the only way down was to ski. Although I love adventure this one was by far the scariest.

Words that describes the relationship
Loyal, Meaningful and Electric

Couple goals
He makes me feel safe. He is my safety blanket. I love his creativity. He’s the most talented artist I have ever seen. I want him to nurture his talent. 

The secret of a healthy relationship
I love that Rohan and I communicate. It’s something that we have always done. This builds strength in our relationship. Some of his traits rub off on me and some of mine onto him. We are so different yet so similar. He is my best friend, my best teacher and the love of my life. He is my comfort zone and sanity.

In the words of Rohan-

Relationship evolves over time and this adaptiveness allows us to continuously grow closer instead of diverging. Nicole does not represent any single fixed part of my life equation rather she is the variable which balances the equation whenever it changes.’ 

When they met
We met through mutual friends on numerous occasions. However, while I was instantly captivated by her, it took months of strategic planning for me to finally get her attention at a brunch!  Her stunning beauty aside, there is an adventurous side of Nicole not many know about. She loves the outdoors, nature, and the simple meditative parts of life which I found to be incredibly refreshing amidst the urban chaos of city life. 

Equation over the years
Responsive. Nicole has been such a powerful figure in my life because she has been able to learn how to help me through every challenge I’ve encountered. She can assume whichever role our relationship needs in a given moment and has taught me to do the same.

The Big Day
A few months before I moved away from India back home to the US (a difficult time for both of us because we were facing two years of cross-continental long-distance) I realized there was no way I could leave without promising my life to the person I had spent the last six years with. I popped the question at my farewell party while I was giving a speech to my friends and family.  

Craziest/ most romantic things
Early on in our relationship I lost a dare to Nicole and to prove to her I was a man of my word I let her paint my nails, apply makeup and a wig, and put me in a dress. I thought I made quite a lovely bearded lady. The things we do for love!

Words that describes the relationship
Loyal, forthcoming, and passionate

One weird habit
She talks to her plants while she waters them!

Couple goals
She makes me feel safe

The secret of a healthy relationship
Society leads us to believe relationships are meant to be the perfect things we see in Disney movies and TV shows but this is absolutely wrong. As with anything in life, there are ups and downs and all things good require hard work and sacrifice to stay that way. A perfect relationship is one which recognizes that along with the good times hard times will arise and that it’s our responsibility to mutually and constructively address them. Don’t ever stop working on solutions with your partner and don’t ever stop communicating.

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