Flax Seeds! Here's How They Help A Person In Losing Weight

Flax Seeds! Here’s How They Help A Person In Losing Weight

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As side effects of cutting calories, slashing fat and restricting food choices reveal health risks and hazardous effects on the body, Dr Neeru Bali introduces “superfood” that can help in shedding weight, that too, without starving.

In Order To Know How  Flax Seeds Help A Person In Weight Loss, It Is Important To Know These Facts About Flax Seeds First

History Of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds, also called Linseeds, are small brown or golden colored seeds which are among the favorite nutritional supplements and one of the most cultivated and revered super food across the world. Evidence for their consumption goes back to pre historical times. Flax seeds have innumerable benefits and have been used for variety of ailments and their prevention ranging from heart disease to cancers. They are known to strengthen immunity and also benefit postmenopausal symptoms. They are considered as a miracle weight loss food. Its high fiber and low carbohydrate content make it an incredibly valuable functional food containing around 25 per cent of both soluble and insoluble fibers including 12.5 per cent mucilage.

Why Flax Seeds Are Important?

Obesity has attained almost an epidemic proportion across the globe. It is major health concern even in children and adolescents leave alone middle aged individuals. In addition to aesthetic aspects, it is a precursor for numerous health concerns particularly high blood pressure, diabetes, dyslipidemias, obstructive sleep apnea, varicose veins to name a few of them. There is probably a genetic predisposition to obesity, in a large majority of persons due to faulty life style. However, lack of physical activity along with bad eating habits together constitute the major reason for such life-style based diseases and ailments.

flax seeds for losing weight - importance of flax seeds

Mucilage is a water soluble gel forming fiber. On absorption of liquid, it swells significantly. Its presence in stomach gives a feeling of fullness and satiety thereby reducing the urge to eat more. Furthermore, its transition through the intestine modulates favorably the absorption of nutrients. Flax seeds, because of high fiber content, provide bulk to the intestinal contents acting as an excellent gentle natural laxative. This favorable modulation of bowel movements and absorption of nutrients help to lose extra pounds easily. The soluble fiber of these seeds trap cholesterol and fats in the intestines thereby reducing their absorption, therefore, flax  seeds help a person in losing weight.

Try Flax Seeds For Weight Loss: Other Nutrients In Flax Seeds Are:

1. Omega 3 fatty acids

They have been recognized in numerous trials to be protective against heart disease. In fact American Heart Association strongly recommend their use as a protective health nutrient. Amongst more than one hundred twenty recognized sources of Omega 3 fatty acids worldwide, flax seeds top the list. The primary Omega 3 fatty acid found in Flax seeds is Alfa Linoleic acid (ALA). ALA in Flax seeds has been found to be stable in almost three hours of cooking at oven temperature ( Approximately 300 degree F or 150 degree C ). This ubiquitous property allow these seeds to be added easily to the baked eatables like muffins and breads.

2. Lignans

They are fiber like compounds which provide antioxidant protection due to their structure as polyphenols. It is a type of phytoestrogen with claims to be a powerful anti oxidant, anti tumor, anti viral, anti fungal and anti bacterial agent.

3. Minerals

Flax seeds are a very rich source of Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc –all essential in weight loss.

4. Vitamin B complex

Almost all the essential Vitamin B’s like Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folate, Niacin, Pantothenic acid are found in these seeds.

Therefore, any weight loss regimen without doubt must include one or two tablespoons of Flax seeds per day. They can be taken in a variety of forms after rounding or grinding. If one wants to take them after grinding, then it should be done immediately before consuming. Alternatively, they should be stored in a covered glass jar in a refrigerator as the flax oil begins to oxidize immediately after coming in contact with air. So go ahead and sprinkle it on your salad, soup, yoghurt or bake it in your bread.

Here’s How We Can Effectively Add Flax Seeds In Our Diet For A Healthy Weight Loss

flax seeds weight loss - flax seeds nutrition

Flax seeds if not chewed properly, can go undigested, flushed out your system! Here are a few ways you can consume them…

1. Can be added in the batter for making rotis, cookies, cakes, breads, pancakes, etc in the form of ground flax seeds.

2. Can use them for making granola bars, add them to cereal, oats, porridge, salads, soups, and muesli.

3. Mix flax seeds in shakes, smoothies, dips, accompaniments, soups and stews.

4. You can even have them with yoghurt.

With the above knowledge about this super food, now you know why flax seeds are good for weight loss. Happy slimming!

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