Step up your Flirt Game

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It’s time! Be on the front foot ladies!

Use more emoticons and GIFs
Texting becomes boring over the course of time and sometimes it gets difficult to be more expressive. But GIFs and emoticons are always there to rescue your dying conversations. You can send a flirty emoticon or GIF to keep the interesting conversation flowing without going too forward.

Hanging conversations
Keep your conversations hanging sometimes. Ask him “I will tell when I will meet you in person.” This will create an excitement or will grow your interest in the meeting without directly indicating so.

Texting rules
Don’t let your conversation fall/dull out. Use interesting words and show interest in whatever the other one is saying. Appreciate his efforts. Comment on their pictures and ace the flirt game without being clichéd.

Appreciated the efforts
Always appreciate the efforts! This is the key rule to play along well. If he complements you, don’t come off as skeptical and reply back with some praise or a sweet thank you. Start playing along after that. This is a way to how that you are interested to know this person.

Say nice things!
Say nice things about him. Give honest compliments. The way you feel about him and your changing emotions over the time, let him know all. Complement him every now and then. Say things like I love how you say this. Make sure he knows you are really interested.

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