The Key to a Happy Relationship for couples- Dr. Jagat Ram

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“Give importance to family
time. I regret not doing that.”

Jagat & Asha

Dr. Jagat Ram is a leading Ophthalmologist and former Director of the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh. He completed 42 years and 4 months of medical services to PGI Chandigarh in October 2021. He was Head of the prestigious Advanced Eye Centre, PGI, Chandigarh, and was conferred the Padma Shri award. Further adding to his prestige, he was awarded the Oscar of Paediatric Ophthalmology at the World Congress of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus in Barcelona in 2015. A lot of credit of one’s professional achievement is attributed to one’s life partner and his case is no exception! Here are a few pointers and tips, by a man of international, medical stature, that has led to his successful marriage with his perfect fit life partner — Asha.


Also, read this: The Inspiring Story of Prof Jagat Ram, Director PGIMER

The Key to a Happy Relationship

When it comes to either living in a healthy relationship or leading a happy married life, the key to all answers is to never look for perfection in each other. Love, compassion, and loyalty should not diminish despite difficult times faced in married life. No human being is perfect, and since we don’t expect ourselves to be perfect, we shouldn’t expect our partner to be so either.

Let Your Partner Inspire You

Dr. Jagat has always credited his wife being a source of great inspiration for him. He thinks of himself to be exceedingly fortunate to have married a simple woman who is always grounded, compassionate, and full of patience. Most of these virtues rubbed on him from her persona. Instead of focusing on each other’s weaknesses, the two have always gained inspiration from each other to become a better version of their respective selves.

The Common Life Goal

Dr. Jagat and his wife aspire to continue living their lives in a simple manner without any unrealistic expectations. They always follow the approach of finding a middle ground that has resulted in a happy, healthy, and satisfying life. Developing qualities of self-restraint, truthfulness, and above all, forgiveness has made their relationship enjoyable and everlasting.

Understanding the Value of Family Time

Dr. Jagat talked about his inability to spend a lot of quality time with his daughter and wife due to his working schedule of 10-16 hours a day throughout his life. However, he now understands that the running water will never flow backward, and similarly, the time lost will never come back. He hopes his readers always give importance to their family time, regardless of their hectic work schedules, as there is no better way to live a content and peaceful life.

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