Himanshi Khurana - Fashion Is Not Comfort

Himanshi Khurana – Fashion Is Not Comfort

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Himanshi Khurana is the stunning and exquisite Punjabi actor who has received fame for her appearance in the movies like Sadda Haq, Leather Life and music videos like Hardy Sandhu’s Soch, Sippy Gill’s Insomnia. In an exclusive talk with TLJ team, she talks about her acting career and shares noteworthy tips to stay stylish and gorgeous.

The Journey Of Himanshi Khurana

All the movies that you have done emphasize on a social issue. Is it a deliberate choice or just a coincidence?

Himanshi Khurana: It was sort of a deliberate choice, as I wanted to portray my acting skills. In an ensemble cast, it is difficult to leave a mark especially for an actress. With such a cast, an individual’s role gets less weightage. This is why I have always chosen the roles that focus on certain issues, relevant to contemporary times.Himanshi Khurana

Out of all your songs, which one is your favourite?

Himanshi Khurana: I do not have a favourite as of now. My preferences depend a lot on my family. They have members of all age groups and each song needs to be approved by all of them. Also, I judge every song of mine first as an audience and then decide whether I like it or not. For a certain reason, I prefer songs over movies as they highlight my acting potential and show me more than just a show pony.

How do you choose your projects?

Himanshi Khurana: I am one of those people who needs to know everything about a project in advance, be it the story, cameraman, make-up artist and the director. If the story has potential, I go for it.

What does the word fashion mean to you?

Himanshi Khurana: Fashion does not have a fixed meaning for me. If something is comfortable, it is not fashionable. You find comfort in pyjamas, but that is not fashion. Fashion should not mean imitating someone. You should create a style of your own.

What do you usually like to wear?

Himanshi Khurana: I like dramatic clothes. I do not like popping colours. I like dresses in colours like black, maroon, tan, gray and brown or any pastel colours for that matter. People have suggested me to wear other colours because of my fair skin tone but I avoid those, as I do not feel comfortable. If I have 100 tops, 98 of them are black. I do not like to get out of the house in shorts.

Himanshi Khurana TLJ

Himanshi Khurana The Lifestyle Journalist Photoshoot

Who is your fashion icon?

Himanshi Khurana: There is not a particular individual that I like because if you follow one person, you might end up making the same fashion mistakes that they do. I am aware of my body type and I wear clothes that suit me.

Any fashion advice for our readers?

Himanshi Khurana: I feel fashion is one’s own identity. People need to become more fashion-conscious and dress up according to their body type. For example, palazzos were introduced for skinny people to give their body a better structure and jeggings were introduced for people on the heavier side. Apart from that, I will advise everyone to be who they are and wear whatever make them feel stylish and comfortable.

Any makeup rules that you follow?

Himanshi Khurana: First of all, makeup is not a way to conceal your drawbacks. It is a way to enhance what you already have. Every person is beautiful in his or her own way. I am personally into brow makeup. The emphasis on brows is not common here but that is what I like the most.

What is your fitness mantra?

Himanshi Khurana: For the right fitness regime, it is important to know your body. A skinny person’s diet is not necessarily the right one as people on the heavier side have a better glow as they eat everything. So for fitness, good food and good spirit is important.

What do you do in your free time?

Himanshi Khurana: I keep myself updated with latest fashion trends. I love to watch movies and read books. Last movie that I saw was Fan but I keep watching movies at home.

A role you always wanted to do?

Himanshi Khurana: I do not have a specific role in mind. A role becomes mine as soon as I get it and I think only about that.

What are your upcoming projects?

Himanshi Khurana: I do not know as of now. I do not plan the future. I wait for something persuasive to come my way and then I go for it. I have been constantly getting movies and songs but I have rejected those in search for something more compelling.

Do you have any message for your fans?

Himanshi Khurana: I am thankful to all my fans for supporting me, but I want to request everyone out there not to be judgemental of my choices and opinions. Being a girl, it is difficult to take a stand and you are under constant scrutiny. I always wish to promote myself as a talent rather than relying on set stereotypes and perceptions.

Your favourite colour?

Himanshi Khurana: Golden and Black.

Favourite brands?

Himanshi Khurana: I do not have a brand preference as girls have many options to choose from. I love to shop everywhere, be it malls or streets.

Favourite Actor?

Himanshi Khurana: Tom Hanks and Robert Downey Jr.

Favourite Actress?

Himanshi Khurana: Kareena Kapoor as she is a complete actress.

Favourite Singer?

Himanshi Khurana: Babbu Mann, Beyonce and Ariana Grande.

Top 3 songs on your current playlist?

Himanshi Khurana: Mann Bharya, Gippy Grewal’s Lahore, Pav Dhariya’s Na Ja and songs of Ariana.

3 things you always carry while leaving the house?

Himanshi Khurana: Scarf, perfume, and brow kit.

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