Larissa DSa’s Master Class

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She is a true ‘go-to’ travel and lifestyle influencer. From travel V-logs to makeup and beauty tips, social media sensation Larissa DSa brings her expertise to you! Find out her success mantra and learn from her specially curated MasterClass.

A name truly synonymous with social media sensation and the best content creator today is Larissa DSa! This social media sensation hosted a Creator MasterClass in Mumbai.  Larissa, during a session, shared about her journey and new learnings during the process with upcoming bloggers and creators. She also talked about how she started ‘We Love Customade’ in 2012 and left her full time job to follow her passion.  The topics Larissa covered were ‘Personal Brand Building, Content Creation, Audience Growth and Relationship Building’. She shared her insights with the audience and narrated anecdotes. Her participants interacted with each other and Larissa during the event. The other session of the MasterClass was on the areas of ‘Pitches, Contracts and Negotiations’. Larissa shared the pitch template to help the participants write their own.  People were thrilled to get a chance to interact with Larissa at the exclusive MasterClass.

Following sessions covered in the second-half were Business Strategies and Post-Production. After the Post-Production session, besides just picking up a few tips from Larissa in action, she also let people in on a few Instagram lessons. There was a small activity where the participants were asked to create content for Instagram stories in the picturesque WeWork premises. Larissa and team was on the round to help the participants implement their ideas to create great pictures. She also took part in the activity and created content live in front of the audience. In the final session, monetization was discussed. Coming straight from the best, there was a QnA session where participants were free to get their doubts clarified, followed by a meet and greet session.

http://(Session available at

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