Mother’s Love in Abundance

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Recalling her motherhood journey 


Sakshi Phutela Samridh mother 


Sakshi(mother) Samridh(kid)






“Being a mother of a 5.5-year-old boy, life has showered love and blessings on me. I find the little child so happy and playful in his company in me. His giggles make me tickled pink. Motherhood has taught me to be patient and kind. It comes with a good set of responsibilities. I give my best to lead by an example just like my mother and be his good friend and parent. He appreciates my creativity and blogs, becoming my greatest admirer. We play a ‘Thank you-5’ game every day in which we count the blessings we receive every day. When my turn comes, Samridh is on Number 1!” 

A leading make-up artist Itika Sood  Pehel’s mother


mother love in abudance





“I had never imagined myself as a mother all this while, but now that I’m one, I can’t even express how peaceful it is to be with my daughter and have her in my arms. Being a full-time make-up artist, my journey has been challenging, but Motherhood has changed me in so many different ways. If there’s a heaven on earth, it is this. So on this Mother’s Day, I would like to send courage and happiness to all the mothers and a big shout out to each of us for being a mother every moment!”


Avnika Samaira’s mother

Avnika(mother) Samaira(kid)





“My journey as a mother has been immensely gratifying. But it didn’t quite start like that. It was frightful as much as beautiful! As first-time moms, we tend to be highly critical of our parenting abilities and always try to be the best future version of ourselves. As a result, we forget to focus on the present. The working mom’s guilt is compelling; I often think of giving it all up just so that I can spend some more time with her. But, after my daughter’s birth, I continued working because I wanted to set the best example for her- of women empowerment, balance, of being a good leader. My 3-year-old staunchly believes that I am a superhero, and I will happily carry that title for the rest of my life. On this mother’s day, I would tell other mothers to remember that your kids will outgrow your laps but never outgrow your hearts. You’re all doing great in your way! Cheers!”


Ibaadat’s mother Tanvi, is a hands-on mom!







“I love being the mother of my lovely daughter. The pure joy of just watching her be a kid and reliving all those first moments when she has discovered how to do things on her own brings tremendous joy! Her smile and her giggle are everything to me. I am blessed that she chose me as her mother.”


Nicole’s motherKiran  is a proud single mom and very ably takes care of her.


Kiran(Mother) & Nicole(kid)





“I had no idea how strong and determined I was until I became a single parent. Raising my daughter alone helped me become self-confident and self-aware that I can do almost anything. The hard part, such as single parenting, reminds me of what I am made of. Being a single mother can feel challenging, rewarding, and many other things simultaneously. In the end, moms are heroes – whether single, divorced, or married!” 


Jasmeet Mahir’s mother likes to lead by example.


Jasmeet(mother) Mahir(kid)





“After being a mother, you realize what a big responsibility God has given you in the form of a ‘bundle of joy’. A child is watching you all the time and learning endless things from you without making you realize it. So we should be careful and aware all the time. I genuinely follow a quote- Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”


Karanjot Abeera’s mother, feels the journey is like a fairytale!






“Motherhood is the actual hood that has covered me with love and connected me to my soul; that’s Motherhood for me. The first year was exciting and tiresome, the second joyful and exhausting, and the third cheerful and guilty. It has been ten years of the amazing journey in which now I am reliving my childhood with my best friend, my daughter. Like how I would believe my mother was a magician and could fix anything in my childhood, becoming this magician is no less than a fairytale. Motherhood is walking around with all of your endings raw and exposed, the extreme measure of being alive.”

Also, read this: Mother’s Day Special

Surrounded by immense love with her two children, Avika and Kritin  for Shruti





“A law graduate, the journey of Motherhood has been amazing and fulfilling. My journey has been full of joyful experiences and adventures! Of course, I have had my share of sleepless nights! However, it has made me stronger and more purposeful. Avika is very responsible, caring and helping. Kritin is naughty. They, thus, complement each other. I have grown with my children, and I am incomplete without them. Motherhood is often hard and demanding, but the joy of raising small beings is so precious and powerful. It’s a gift. I thank God for choosing me to be one worthy of it.”

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