BK Shivani Understanding Inner Peace in the Times of War

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She is 49, and the meditative calm that she carries connects her with people of all age groups! Poise and utmost grace come naturally to her. The spiritual discourses (given by her) bring solace to millions. Her knowledge videos on Youtube are a source of tremendous strength not just to followers of Brahma Kumaris but also to those looking for positivity, inspiration and motivation. A May born personality, Sister Shivani (as she is fondly called) is a phenomenal face of youth
into spirituality and the most popular, contemporary ambassador of the international spiritual movement Brahma Kumaris originated in 1930 in Hyderabad.

Here is an interview of Sister Shivani by The Lifestyle Journalist Editor-in-Chief Dr Neha Miglani.

Given the global crisis (Ukraine- Russian conflict) and much more unrest arising, what kind of global values do you feel the world leaders should carry? Beyond individuals practising meditation, what, according to you, is the solution to the fear that all this situation brings along for common people?

Leaders are tasked to safeguard society from anything which threatens their well-being. Today, since there are rapid changes and increasing uncertainties in the world outside, leaders are doing a lot to help the citizens adapt to the changes. But what about the crisis and unrest in our inner world, in our minds?

Usually, the word ‘Leadership’ is associated with power, position and control. But there is another important dimension: Leadership is not only a position but also a quality. It is not only about what you say or what you do. It is also about who you are because your aura or energy field walks with you. Leadership means the power to influence others. How would we be able to influence people? Just by being who we are. Our energy vibrations influence the people around us. Even at home, if parents are peaceful, their aura or energy of peace radiates and empowers their child to be peaceful.


 “Leadership is not only a position but also quality. It is not only about what you say or what you do. It is also about who you are because your aura or energy field walks with you.”

A leader provides what his people need. Today the world needs more Compassion, Acceptance, Honesty, Peace and Humility. Everyone needs them not only because of the conflicts between certain countries, but our minds have become restless due to several issues like the pandemic, gender inequality, increased violence and crime, imbalance in population and resources, falling economy, and depleting ethics.

Once a leader understands that Compassion, Acceptance, Honesty, Peace and Humility are the Dharma of every soul and thereby brings them out in every Karma, other people are inspired to emerge their Dharma. Then our ability to care for and accept each other will not have barriers of country, race, faith or culture. Peace and love become a natural way of living, irrespective of who we are and what we do. Thereafter wonders start happening automatically without the need for leaders to implore people to be a certain way.


 “Today the world needs more Compassion, Acceptance, Honesty, Peace and Humility. Everyone needs them not only because of the conflicts between certain countries, but our minds have become restless due to several issues like the pandemic, gender inequality, increased violence and crime, imbalance in population and resources, falling economy, and depleting ethics.”

India Centres: www.brahmakumaris.com/centers/

International Centres: http://www.brahmakumaris.org/centre-locator

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