Here is a guide map on which house (facing which direction) is favourable according to your zodiac sign!
ARIES: (MAR 20 – APR 18) The most suitable house-facing directions for Aries natives are South or East. You can buy a Flat, Plot or Built-up house which faces South or East, will give you sound health and success in business.
TAURUS: (APR 19 – MAY 19) Taurus natives can buy a house, Plot or flat facing North West or South East. Both these directions will help them to achieve Material prosperity.
GEMINI: (MAY 20 – JUNE 20) East and North are the best housefacing directions for Gemini natives. You can buy a house facing east or North, which will help you get better life opportunities.
CANCER: (JUNE 21 – JULY 21) East and Northeast are the best home-facing directions for Cancer natives. So you can buy a house which faces East or Northeast, bringing harmony in relationships and abundance in your life.
LEO: (JULY 22 – AUG 21) The best house-facing Directions for Leo Natives are North and North West. It would help if you lived in a house which faces North or North West. It will bring Fame and Prosperity to your life.
VIRGO (AUG 22 – SEP 21) Virgo natives should live in a house which faces West or North Direction. It will bring immense Prosperity and Material gains for you if you live or use the North or West portion of your home.
LIBRA: (SEP 22OCT 22) The best house-facing Directions for Libra Natives are Southwest and North East. It would help if you lived in a house facing Southwest or North East, which will help you utilise your skill and give you fame and Prosperity in your life.
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SCORPIO: (OCT 23-NOV 20) West and North East are the best home-facing directions for Scorpio natives. You can buy a house which faces West or North East; it will bring money opportunities and profits in business or professions.
SAGITTARIUS: (NOV 21 – DEC 20) Southwest and Southeast are the best home-facing directions for Sagittarius natives. So you can buy a house which faces Southwest or Southeast; it will bring harmony to relationships and material Prosperity in your life.
CAPRICORN: (DEC 21 – JAN 19) Capricorn natives can buy a house, Plot or flat facing West or South. Both these directions will give them social associations and prosper in businesses.
AQUARIUS: (JAN 20 – FEB 18) Northwest and Northeast are the best home-facing directions for Aquarius natives. You can buy a house which faces Northwest or Northeast; it helps the native with timely support from friends and associates in business or profession.
PISCES: (FEB 19 – MAR 19) The best house-facing Directions for Pisces Natives are NorthEast and SouthEast. It would help if you lived in a house which faces NorthEast or South East. It will bring many opportunities, money and fame to your life.
by: Rishabh