Miss India World 2023 : Nandini Gupta

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Aiming for the World She is living the dream that her mother had once dreamt! She wants to be a job creator and a societal transformer- bringing a change for the better. Currently soaking in celebration and absorbing the reality of the crown on her head, Nandini Gupta is on cloud 9! Here is a heart-to-heart conversation between ruling Miss India World 2023- Nandini Gupta, and TLJ Magazine Editor Dr Neha Miglani.

What is your takeaway and experience of the Miss India pageant?
It has been a life-changing experience for me. The journey taught me to be punctual and created a different perspective towards many things in life. It taught me to keep calm inside amidst the hustle and bustle of work outside. I was living like a girl; this pageant transformed me into living like a polished lady!

Please tell us something about your hobbies.
I love to dance, meditate, cycle, as and when I get time, and listen to music!

Which is your dream destination for a vacation?
I would love to explore all parts of India! In India, I am keen to visit Nagaland. I feel attracted when I see the photographs of Nagaland, which seem breathtaking! After that, Switzerland is on my go-to list.

How do you look at the culture and traditional fashion of Rajasthan?
Rajasthani culture is a beautiful blend of everything! Right from traditional clothes to traditional food, it has a beautiful combination of all Teekha (spicy) and meetha (sweet)- it has all flavours. It reflects our traditional value system of Vasudeva Katumbakam (one world family)!

What motivated you to enter the world of glamour?
When I was 10, I used to admire the then Miss World Aishwarya Rai. My mother’s favourite movie was Devdas, starring her, and when I was watching that movie with my mother- I was awestruck by her beauty. I used to ask my mother who is this beautiful lady! She used to tell me she (Aishwarya) is the Miss World. My next question to my mother was- how does one become Miss World? She told me that one needs to be Miss India for it. In fact, it was a dream that my mother had nurtured but could not be completed due to circumstances.
When I was a little girl, the crown was the only attraction. But, later, I realised that it was not just about standing tall and pretty in a beautiful outfit, but much more than that! It was more about being a beautiful person inside and out!

Who is your role model in life?
Different people have influenced my journey in many ways. I admire Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Maám and all other beauty queens, including Suman Rao, Sini Shetty, and many others!
How do you maintain calm in stressful situations?
I meditate! I sit in front of the mirror and talk to myself. I tell myself that ‘You can do it! Go for it!’

How are your preparations going for Miss World?
Right now, it’s celebration mode. Soon the training for the Miss World Pageant will commence.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
I want to be a truly successful person who constantly learns and grows, turning obstacles into opportunities. I am a management student, and I see myself as a job creator in future. I want to bring a certain kind of change through my desire for job creation for others- perhaps setting up a clothing label. Like they say, ‘beauty is that as beauty does’.

What is the best piece of advice you ever got?
The best advice I got from my grandfather was when I was a child. He used to tell me that- what is routine for you can be an achievement for someone, and what is an accomplishment for you can be routine for another person. So, do not look at what others are doing- believe in yourself. Focus on your work and not on other people’s achievements.

Please share some tips for young aspiring girls who want to make a mark in the industry.
I would tell them that nothing will happen until and unless they do something with passion, concentration and hard work! So keep strong with all these things in mind!

Next 5 years
“I am a management student and see myself as a job creator. I want to bring a certain kind of change through it.”

Recently, the queen turned cover girl
 for The Lifestyle Journalist
 magazine, June 2023 Edition. Taking to Instagram story, she dropped the cover page of the magazine
 entailing a picture of herself on her Instagram story

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